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Friday, February 1, 2013

Picture Perfect? | Focus On Skin

The Proper Technique to Eat An Apple. Until about a week ago I was seriously unaware that there was one. In our house lately we've amped up the fruit quantity big time to offer a healthier alternative at snack time. This small change in co-habitiation has allowed me a glimpse into the inner workings of my husband's brain. I'm not sure what caused me to study him with rapt attention while he was eating an apple after his work out.... but I was simply fascinated. Stunned into observant silence. D's a big guy. Big guy = big mouth. His bite size compared to mine makes me feel like a small child. Which means I don't share my food with him without setting bite size standards. Wait. That's another story for another day. Ahem. Apples aren't all that big, so it is a wonder to me that he doesn't eat the deliciously crisp fruit in four bites. Instead he chooses to work his way around the apple in with decisively calculated precision. There is in fact also a particular rhythm to accompany the phenomenon I was witnessing, which only added to my intrigue. Bite-CRUNCH-CRUnch-CRunch-crunch. Bite-CRUNCH-CRUnch-CRunch-crunch. It was at this point I saw the perfect pattern along the base of the apple and was immediately genuinely elated. I flailed my arms in the air for him to stop and he paused apple half-raised to disrupt the geometric art. "Can I please take a picture?!?!" I asked in what probably sounded like insane curiosity. D looks at me with concern for my sanity, holds out the apple and gives me permission with a single word "Sure... ?". I held the wondrous specimen, careful not to drop it in fear of destroying something so precious, and I proceeded to photograph evidence that will live for years to come. So there you have it.... Apparently there is a proper technique for eating an apple.

This past week in my Photoshop Class, I taught how to edit skin. This one is definitely a personal point of pride for me because I have been editing skin in photographs since I can remember. I have learned through talking to other photographers who weren't born with perfect skin that this is normal, and often helpful. Many clients want to look like a movie star in a photograph, so my goal was to arm my "students" with a wide array of editing techniques from a completely natural look to glamour movie-star perfect.

Paula Amrein was gracious enough to be my subject for this week's homework. The weather that day was dismal. Rainy, winds up to 20 mph, overcast and grey with literally almost no light. Usually German rainy days simply give us diffused light. Not on this day. So I used this opportunity to also practice my indoor lighting techniques. Please feel free to leave comments as I am interested in hearing feedback.

There's quite a bit in store for the rest of this week. Blue Grass Jam on Friday, possible photography fun with Megan, and to those of you watching the Superbowl this weekend be glad that you don't have to start watching at 10pm. There's never a dull moment around the W's house, so stay tuned for more adventures! I love and miss you guys.... Happy Friday!

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